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321 Fm 315 S
Chandler, Tx 75758

Price: $1,550
Sq Ft: 1713

321 FM 315 S  75758 RENT $1550 DEP $1450   (Chandler)              SFD             1713 sq ft(appraisal)                  Chandler/Brownsboro

3/2/2  Kitchen equipped with stove, dishwasher, refrigerator (no warranty) and eat in kitchen area.  Living room with non-operational fireplace, ceiling fans, blinds, carpet, hardwood & laminate flooring, utility room with W/D connections and central H/A.  Fenced back yard. Pets allowed with permission from owner. Directions from our office:   Turn right onto S Broadway Ave, Turn left onto WSW Loop 323, Turn left onto Spur 364, Turn left onto State Hwy 31, Turn left onto N Broad St/FM 315, Go 4.8 miles and house is on the right.

Bedrooms: 3.00
Bathrooms: 2
Garage: Enclosed 2 Car
Deposit: $1,450